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Psychic Insights Astrology

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A Natural Intuitive Empath: G. Desiree Fultz

Aware of gifts since before I could speak, my earliest memories are of a poltergeist that was haunting our home which only inhabited one room and a hallway. Years later, my mother recalled experiences she had while we lived in that home, and to her surprise, I was able to fill in details of the haunting that no one else remembered. 

Some of my gifts have been genetically passed down. There are several immediate generations of family members with E.S.P. who made regular predictions with accuracy.  I've reviewed my genealogy records and carry several genetic lineages in regard to occult intelligence, and I'm a direct descendant of many royal monarchs, shaman, and seers. I have RH- 'blue-blood'. When one studies magickal bloodlines, evidence suggests rare blood types with Rh-Negative factor (which represents less than 15% of the entire world population) are naturally more given to psychic abilities. So there you have it, psychic intelligence is literally in my blood! 

As I passed through childhood, other gifts began to emerge. I could tell who was calling on the phone (before we even had caller-ID), and when people would talk about me, I would receive impressions with their name and then contact them, only to have them say, “Hey, I was just talking about you!”. Empathic abilities also emerged, and people were always surprised that I could feel their needs and offer help without them having to ask. 

As I grew into my teenage years, I would see people in my dreams and then contact them to let them know what I had dreamed and they would always respond with astonishment that I would name the very details of a life issue they were facing. Because of these gifts, I was often accused of witchcraft by church goers and interrogated by ecclesiastical leaders about my involvement with the 'dark arts'. And so, for many years I hid my talents out of fear of persecution.

I've received scholarships with well-know arcane/mystery schools and have over 20 years experience in many forms of divination. My toolbox of skills is varied, and I truly care about getting positive results. My aim is to empower.
The goal is to help clients make their own informed decisions by equipping them with deeper insight that comes to light through a variety of tools and disciplined occult training. Having been mentored directly by a PHD psychologist and certified as an NLP Practitioner and Life Coach, I am well-armed to empower clients confidently with psychological training, amplified by paranormal abilities.

Though I was aware of my spiritual gifts at an early age, my educational journey began with studies in astral projection/lucid dreaming and tarot in 1996, which progressed to other forms of divination over the years. In the beginning, I was self-educating with books and experimentation. Later, involvement with esoteric societies has given me an advantage over self-taught practitioners as I have been mentored personally by some notable teachers with well-known reputations among the occult communities.  

I prefer to use a direct, non-judgmental style, acting upon impressions received through clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and intuitive-empathic knowing. I tap directly into akashic streams and sometimes consult tools for clearer details.
Skills and tools include:
Theurgy (High Magick Rituals), Ceremonial Magick, Low/Folk Magick, Tarot, Ouija, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, ESP, Dream Interpretation, Sidereal Horary/Predictive Astrology, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis, Scrying, Remote Viewing, Auto-Writing, Past-Life Regression, Pendulum, Crystals/Wands, Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection, and exit-counseling for mind control victims of cults and high-pressure religious groups.

1996 HS Diploma from Neosho High School, Neosho MO
1996 LDS Seminary Certificate for completion of 4 year study in doctrine and theology. 
1997 Scholarship Forensics Team (Speech and Debate) MSSU
2005 BA in commercial design: Missouri Southern State University (Art and Business)
2013 N.L.P. (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Scholarship and Certificate from Dr Boyd Johnson, PHD Psychologist
2013 Scholarship with H.'.O.'.G.'.D.'. in Theurgy (Ceremonial Magick) 
2014 Masonic Workshop Scholarship for Fellow Craft Degree with A.'.F.'.H.'.R.'.

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My Services


Tarot Reading

$10 - $50

I offer single card readings for $10, 2-3 card readings $15, full ten-card readings for $25, via online chat or over the phone:
to help bring the details of your life and inner world into perspective.

Tarot is a fantastic focus tool that helps you sort out possible outcomes in any given life-situation based on past and present events.

Schedule an online live-chat reading or a phone reading. Also available for readings in-personal by appointment for clients in the NW Arkansas and SW Missouri regions starting at $50, which include the reading and consulting/coaching to help overcome difficult life challenges.

$10-$25: online and phone readings
$50-$100: readings in person


Sidereal Predictive Horary Astrology: Natal Charts & Solar Return, Synastry

$30 - $100

Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial objects as a means for divining information about human affairs and terrestrial events.

The planetary bodies influence each of us in unique ways depending on how the heavens were aligned at the moment of birth. A natal chart can reveal significant clues about your personality and life, and why things are the way they are for you. 

A solar return can help you determine what your year has in store, and where you can expect to see challenges and positive outcomes. A quick look into transits in relation to the houses can tell what areas of life you should be focusing on, and where your energies will be best applied for success.

Horary readings available for specific questions about your life. Synastry readings available to help you determine what kind of dynamic you can expect from relationships to other people in your life.

Online and Phone Horary readings starting at $30

Natal Charts $50

Synastry Readings $75

One-on-one astrology readings in-person $100 an hour.

Highly-detailed, personalized typed reports delivered in PDF format: Starting at $100


Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

$50 - $100

Neuro Linguistic Programming:  Personal Certified Coaching.

A very effective system of mental reprogramming that helps blow-out old neuropathways and eradicates habits and limiting thinking patters that negatively affect your life.

NLP arms the individual with powerful tools to move on, heal, empower, and improve areas of personality and thinking that affects daily life.

NLP is more powerful than hypnosis and revolves around questions and tools that allow the client to change their own lives through improved thinking patterns and anchored affirmations.

$50 online and phone session
$100 per hour sessions in person (recommended)


Banishing & Consecrating

$50 - $100

Have you moved into a new home or purchased a used car? Are you hosting a special event? Do you feel that your space could use an energetic lift? Sometimes the energy in an area can feel heavy, stale, or negative and it have have a deep impact on your spiritual and emotional well-being. 

Residual energies from previous tenants or owners can remain in tangible objects, living spaces, or personal items for decades. Sometimes those energies are unpleasant and highly negative. 

If you are the second-hand owner of a material item, or not the first person to dwell in a space, vestigial energies may be lingering that prevent you from finding peace and contentment with your new living situation or ownership over a previously-owned item. 

Banishing and consecration can neutralize the negative energies and replace them with positive and bright, highly pleasant vibrations. Why not get the best out of your living space, or new car, or second-hand item to make it feel brand new? 

I use Theurgy (a system of beneficent magic that employs rituals and techniques which invokes good spirits and entities, like angels, to protect and bless a space with divine energies.)

The fee covers my time to travel to your space, and the supplies that I use in the rituals, like incense and charcoals etc

$50 to $100 depending on distance to travel, and time/supplies involved.

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Satisfied Clients


“She knows her stuff! She knows MY stuff better than I know my stuff! She explains it in a way that you can quickly understand. I never understood until she went over it with me and I do consider myself a person of good intellect. Natal charts are complex. 100% would recommend her to anyone! And I definitely recommend anyone who has not done a full chart, to do one with some expert help!.”

Christin Shaffer
Student of Natural Healing


"She has definitely helped me solve some pesky reoccurring issues in my life. It's definitely worth it to find out more about who you are and why you are the way you are. My chart specifically mentions that I would have a career dealing with swords, which is pretty amazing because how many people on earth still use swords to make a living? Very cool, very interesting, and very worth it..”

Charles Fultz
YouTube Celebrity

Executioner: Zombie Go Boom


"Highly Recommend. She knows what she talks about.”

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Are you looking for answers, or perhaps would like to receive a confirmation your life is on the right track? Whatever the reason may be, you’ve come to the right place. I love helping people develop the tools they need to cope with all of life’s challenges, and I get great satisfaction from seeing them heal and thrive. Contact me today and let the healing process begin. Find me on social media, or use this form. I try to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours.

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